As any wine aficionado knows, there are some professions that are unique to the wine industry, such as sommelier or oenologist, however there are some that have a wider range of industries, specially food & beverage, that need them, such as a “taster”.
To become a good wine taster, takes time and a lot of practice. Some people take years learning and tasting wines from all over the world to become “The world’s best wine taster” in international competitions.
However, we all can learn the basics from going to wine tastings or learning the basic principles to get the best out of a wine tasting experience. If you have visited our winery, you must have tasted some of our wines, but if you haven’t been able, below we give you a few tips.
As with many aspects of our life, patience is one of the most important rules of the game. You must learn to not jump to conclusions on the first sip of wine, as sometimes it needs to air a little bit to “open”, meaning to bring forth all the aromas; this is specially true of older wines that have been in the bottle for quite some time. But it happens in most wines, even the young ones, that’s why it is good to open the bottle, serve yourself a glass of wine, and let yourself taste it slowly, finding all the aromas you can find, tasting with all your mouth, and just enjoy it! then and only then can you really assess the wine.
There are some wineries that have their own tasting steps, but normally it follows a general rule:
First you taste the whites, then the rosés, then reds. And within them, from younger to older. For example in reds, you should start with our Roble and end with the Gran Reserva.
Someone that seldomly tastes wine, will find it harder to discover some of the aromas, based only in his/her smell or taste, because they are learned through many tastings, and classes with the wheel of smells. That is why patience is very important, and when eating try to pay more attention to your food, therefore teaching your sense of smell to recognize different smells.
As it sometimes happens with our senses, when having your first sip the first wine, may deceive or confuse you. That is why it is better to go back to it, when you have tasted others when your palate has been more trained and that first wine more “open” (has aired).
Although in the world of wine, subjectivity is very present as it has to do with your personal likes and dislikes, it is important to try to be as objective as possible when describing it, and using common words that everybody knows & understands. A good taster knows how to communicate objectively its impressions.
To become a good taster, try as many wines as you can, using the same criteria always. Only then, will you be able to become a great taster.
Once you fill 1/3 of the wineglass, at the right temperature; it is important to follow these steps.
Another important thing to take into consideration is that there are different types of tastings:
It is important to let you know that there are different types of wine tasters, that you might encounter:
We hope you enjoy and practice these tips and if you’d like to get to know our wines and winery, click on this link for a visual tour.